Tomaž Zwitter
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko
torek, 2. 6. 2009, ob 15h v F6
I will review the current state of the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE), an ambitious ongoing spectroscopic survey which already secured over a third million stellar spectra. For many of these spectra not only the radial velocity but also stellar parameters have been determined from spectral analysis. This requires automated reduction, analysis and classification techniques which have to be checked against other spectroscopic and photometric datasets. The adopted solutions are important for any RAVE user who wants to take full advantage of the claimed rather impressive typical errors: less than 2 km/s error in radial velocity, 200 K in temperature, 0.3 dex in gravity and 0.2 dex in metallicity. The talk will also outline the improvements planned for the next approximately yearly data releases. Possibilities for RAVE’s extension using a modern multiple-object spectrograph will be discussed.